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Fungbact VAM

Fungbact VAM

Product Description:

Mycorrhizae are obligate and saprophytic in nature which are totally biotroph and hence, requires a living host for its survival. Endo and Ecto mycorrhizae on which Fungbact VAM is prepared contain Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM-fungi) and Ecto Mycorrhizae which are part of soil biota and present universally in the soil. 

The Fungbact VAM by associating symbiotically with root of the plants helps in the greater absorption of phosphorous, water and other important macro and essential micro elements and making them available to the plants in an easily usable organic form.

Besides they are also reported to impart resistance to plants against drought and soil borne fungal pathogens and nematodes. Fungbact VAM (endo & ecto mycorrhizae) can be used in any crops like cereals, pulses, vegetables, Tuber, Fiber, Ornamental, oil seeds and fruit crops but it cannot be used in cruciterous plants.Fungbact VAM Helps to absorb and mobilize primarily phosphorous along with other important macro and micro elements and water. 

It is Compatible with other Biofertilizer and biopesticide of different categories. It Gives protection to the plants from pathogenic fungi and nematodes causing damage to the roots. It is Environment friendly and does not affect ecological balance.

Product Benefits:

  • Fungbact VAM makes the plant root system to get easily access to the usable form of nutrients.

  • Fungbact VAM acts as accessories to the root hairs in the process of nutrient absorption and mobilization.

  • Fungbact VAM facilitate nutrient translocation from the soil and root cortical parenchyma to xylem elements.

  • Fungbact VAM also function as supplement to root hairs in water absorption, hence prevents reduction in relative water content of cells and thus helps plants to overcome drought.

Product Content:

Fungbact VAM

Method of Usage:

Soil Application:

  1. Fungbact VAM in required quantities (100 gm /acre) has to be mixed with organic fertilizer/peat / moistened vermicuilite / field or jungle soil (1000kgs) which are rich in organic matter. This blend is applied by a process of broadcasting as soil application during last ploughing followed by first irrigation.

  2. Fungbact VAM can be use alone or mixed with powder or liquid Biofertilizer of different categories (N, P, K and S - fixers and Zn solubilizer) in 20 to 25 lit water. This prepared mixture again dilated in 200 lit water and apply through drip irrigation system.

Seed Treatment:

50 to 100 gm of Fungbact VAM is to be mixed with optimum water to make thick slurry. The Fungbact VAM slurry so prepared can be used for coating the seeds of an acre.

Green House Potted Plants:

Planting medium and potting medium can be mixed with VAM at desired proportion (i.e. 3-5 gms/10kgs of planting medium approximate) and used. Optimal watering is preferred to maintain the effectiveness of VAM.


Store in a Cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


100 Grams Per Acre


Available In Powder 100 Grams, 1 Kg, 5kg, 25 Kg and in Bulk quantity as required


Powder Form

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