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Fungbact Ultra Green

Fungbact Ultra Green

Product Description:

Fungbact Ultra Green is a unique product developed by PAC Bio Fungbact Pvt. Ltd. that combines plant growth-promoting microorganisms with physiologically active substances. This innovative formulation addresses the growing concerns about the negative effects of heavy chemical fertilizer and pesticide use in agriculture.

The product is designed to promote sustainable and environmentally-sound farming practices that are productive, profitable, and energy-conserving. Fungbact Ultra Green leverages the important relationship between living leaves and luxuriant plant growth, as revealed by past studies.

The combination of plant growth-promoting microbes and physiologically active substances in Fungbact Ultra Green significantly increases the effectiveness of the microbes, providing plants with essential growth molecules during their survival on leaves. This "magical phenomenon" helps to boost plant growth and development in an eco-friendly manner.

By adopting Fungbact Ultra Green, farmers can increase crop yields while reducing their reliance on harmful chemical inputs. The product supports the ultimate goal of sustainable agriculture by contributing to a farming system that is productive, profitable, and environmentally-sound.

Product Benefits:

The key benefits of Fungbact Speed Compost are:

  • Makes plant leaf succulent and luxurious.

  • Trigger hormonal system in plant.

  • Induce internal resistance in plants.

  • Release of various enzymes to boost up cell elongation, tissue expansion and smoothness in fruit and leaf.

  • Increase overall growth of plant, which lead to increase a yield of crops.

  • Give strength to plant to fight against various foliar diseases.

  • Increase fruit weight and luster.

Mode of Action:

After application by spray, microbes available from Ultra Green reach up to leaves of plant and survive on plant leaves by using various physiological active substances. During multiplication they release various growth promoting molecules. These molecules involve various enzymes and hormones. Continuous supply of this plant growth vitalizing molecules makes plant growth luxurious which ultimately results in good yield of crops.

Product Content:

Fungbact Ultra Green

Method of Usage:

  • 1 Litre Ultra Green mix in to 150 to 200 L water.

  • Mix it well.

  • Now use this prepared mixture for spray in 1 acre.

  • For 1 pump we can take 80 to 100ml of Ultra green.


Prepared mixture solution should be used at same time, it cannot be use after 24 hours.


Store in a Cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.


500 ml Per Acre


Available in 500 ml and 1 Litre, 5 Litres and in Bulk quantity as per requirement

Available In Powder 1 Kg, 5kg, 25 Kg and in Bulk quantity as per requirement


Liquid Form and Powder Form

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