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Fungbact P

Fungbact Phospho is a unique liquid based formulation prepared by specially developed patented technology. Fungbact Phospho contains various microbes useful for phosphorus solubilization.

Low-Dose Microbial Patented Technology

New Fungbact Phospho is prepared with specially developed patented technology. With this technology it is feasible to provide huge quantity of microbes in small packing (volume) size, as well as microbes are keep in their natural form without making violent stress on them. By this new technology it is possible to apply more and more viable microbes up to field which ultimately lead to increase in production of a crop.

Product Information:

Microbes present in Fungbact Phospho

  1. Bacillus megaterium

  2. Pseudomonas putida

Fungbact P
Fungbact P
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