Fertipac Recharge
Product Description:
Fertipac Recharge is a granular product which is added to soil to improve soil's physical, chemical and biological quality, especially its ability to provide nutritional need of a plant. Its main purpose is to improve soil structure, provide soil nutrients in readily available form, and improve cation exchange and also to increase water retention capacity of Soil.
Purpose and Understanding:
To Improve Soil structure, aeration, water holding capacity, soil reclamation, Drainage effectiveness, root development, yield and quality, fertilizer use efficiency.
Soil is a natural body consisting of layer that are primarily composed of minerals, mixed with at least some organic matter. On volume basis a good soil is one that is 45 % mineral (sand, silt and clay) 25 % water, 25% air, and 5 % organic material, both live and dead.
The most influential factor in stabilizing soil fertility are the soil colloidal particles, clay and humus. Which behave as repositories of nutrient and moisture and act to buffer the variations of soil solution and moisture. The organic matter of the soil has a powerful effect on its development, fertility and available moisture.
Now days, soil become infertile due to damage of bridge between various property of soil i.e. physical, chemical and biological property. Injudicious use of toxic chemical fertilizer and addition of polluted material in fertile soil make it infertile. The only possible way to make soil fertile and productive is to again make harmony between all the three soil properties by addition of organic matter in combination with natural humus and soil conditioner elements. Looking at this scenario, PAC Bio Fungbact Pvt. Ltd. has developed a product with name of "Recharge" to improve soil condition and make it fertile again.
Product Benefits:
Improves soil structure.
Increases soil water holding capacity.
Improves drainage effectiveness.
Useful in soil reclamation.
Increases root development.
Makes better chemical incorporation by improving fertilizer use efficiency.
Increases yield and improves quality.
Breakdowns heavy clay soil.
Adds natural humus.
Product Content:
Fertipac Recharge
2 – 3 Bags per Acre
25 Kg
Available Powder and Granule Form